
What is sustainability and why does it matter to us as Christians?

Sustainability is about safeguarding the health of the planet and conserving natural resources. It’s vital because humans are now consuming resources at a rate that is not sustainable, and it’s having a direct impact on the earth’s climate. We are now facing a climate emergency, and the world’s poorest are suffering the effects of this first, so it’s also an issue of social justice. As Christians we need to take this seriously because we believe that, as followers of Jesus, we have an implicit responsibility to care for God’s creation and to promote justice. 

What are we doing about it?

In the parish of Wonersh and Blackheath our current activities include:

  • Organising regular opportunities to learn about aspects of sustainability and the climate crisis, and sharing ideas for how we can respond as a church
  • Including environmental and social justice issues in our teaching, worship and prayer life as a church
  • Ensuring our church buildings are as environmentally friendly as possible, and seeking to buy the items we need from companies that share our environmental and ethical concerns
  • Looking after church land in a way that preserves nature and protects wildlife
  • Supporting each other to live more sustainably, and to consider the potential impact of how we live on our global neighbours. 

We are thrilled that our efforts so far have earned us a Silver ‘Eco Church’ Award, via an award scheme by Christian conservation charity A Rocha.


How can I get involved?

Among other things, you could help to maintain the wildlife provision in the churchyard, take part in our biannual churchyard working parties and share with us your ideas about how we can operate more sustainably. 


What else can I do? 

We can all take action in our everyday lives and choices to tread more lightly on the planet. Small changes make a difference and are part of our worship! In particular we can:

Pray for those impacted by the climate crisis, and for world leaders to take bold and urgent action

Speak up by signing petitions and email your MP about issues you care about

Make a change:

  • Switch to a renewable energy supplier (compare suppliers at
  • Fly less
  • Drive less – share lifts, cycle, walk or take the bus
  • Eat less meat
  • Make your next car electric
  • Buy locally and eat seasonally
  • Grow your own
  • Cut down on plastic packaging
  • Buy less and better – choose ethical brands
  • Switch to an ethical bank (check out


Further information & resources

Tearfund – for actions to take and resources including small group studies, a climate factsheet and a Climate Emergency Toolkit
Ethical Consumer – for information on ethical consumption and the social, ethical and environmental behaviours of companies
Zero Carbon Guildford – for information on how the borough of Guildford is aiming to reach carbon neutrality by 2030, through a community-led action plan 
Church of England – for information about the Church of England’s approach to tackling climate change
Ecochurch – for more information about the Eco Church award scheme
MyGreenPod – for more ethical and sustainable alternatives to everyday products 


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