Finance and Giving

The work of our church is entirely funded by the congregation. If you are a regular member of Wonersh Church please consider prayerfully your contribution to support God's ministry in this parish and within our community.

We encourage church members to make a regular and prayerful commitment to support the work of this Church through a weekly or monthly gift, a one-off gift or an occasional gift. Regular gifts are particularly useful for the church as this allows us to plan our budget through the year. 


Parish Giving Scheme

We recommend that church members use the Parish Giving Scheme for regular giving, which is a convenient and easy way to manage your giving to the church. If you are a tax payer you can sign a Gift Aid declaration through the Parish Giving Scheme which allows the church to reclaim basic rate tax on all donations you make.

Information about the Parish Giving Scheme can be found at:


Setting up a gift under the Parish Giving Scheme can be done in three ways:

  1. You can call the Parish Giving Scheme phone number (see the “For Donors” section of the website.)
  2. You can use the Parish Giving Scheme Wonersh Gift Form, which can be found in the Documents section of this page. This should be completed, using the notes in the PGS Information leaflet, which is also available in the Documents section of this page. The completed form should be sent by post to the address included on the form.
  3. You can give on-line by going to the above website and entering 170617101 where it says find your parish. This will bring up Wonersh and the ways you can donate directly to Wonersh PCC, e.g. Direct Debit, one-off payment.

If you have any questions about completion of the forms, please contact our treasurer Nick Gray ( who will be happy to assist.


Other ways to give

For one-off or occasional gifts you can use cheque, CAF voucher or bank transfer. For all direct bank payments, the Wonersh Church bank details are:
CAF Bank Ltd, Sort Code: 40-52-40 Account Code: 00015176, Account Name: Wonersh With Blackheath PCC No 1 Account (please use your name as the reference so that we can identify your gift for Gift Aid purposes).

If you are a tax payer and wish to gift aid these other types of donation, please complete the Wonersh Gift Aid declaration which can be found in the Documents section of this page, scan it and e-mail it to (alternatively you can post it to the Parish Office, St John the Baptist Church, The Street, Wonersh, Surrey, GU5 0PG.)


Giving to Blackheath Church

Please note that Blackheath Church, although part of our parish, operates separate finances and accounts. Therefore if you wish to give to Blackheath Church you should use the Blackheath Bankers Order form and a Blackheath Gift Aid declaration (see below). Further information can be obtained from the Church Treasurer .


Further Information

For confidential information or advice about financial giving to Wonersh Church, please contact the Wonersh Church Treasurer: (



PGS Information

Parish Giving Scheme Wonersh Gift Form

Wonersh Gift Aid form multiple 2020 

Blackheath Gift Aid Declaration

Blackheath Standing Order Mandate

Church Expense Claim Form

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