If you would like to get in touch regarding either St John's, Wonersh or St Martin's, Blackheath, please use the details below to contact us.
Contact the Vicar
Please contact Rev David Peters
by email, vicar@wonershchurch.org.uk.
Vicar's Day Off - Friday
Contacting the Parish Office
Please contact Jan Durrant, Parish Administrator, on
01483 890266
or by email, office@wonershchurch.org.uk.
Alternatively, please use the contact form below.
Parish Office Opening Hours
Monday 9am - 2pm
Tuesday 9am - 1pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm
Thursday 9am - 1pm
Friday 9am - 2pm
We will endeavour to respond to your enquiries as quickly as possible.
Parish Office Address
The Vicarage, St. John's Church, The Street, Wonersh, GU5 0PG
Contact Form
If you are new to our church we would love to get to know you better. Please provide some information about yourself using the form below. If you would like a member of clergy to contact you please indicate this on the form.